Tuesday 12 June 2012

Scared at the Beach

One day I was with my Mum and brother at the beach.  My brother fell off a mini cliff.  He said, in a worried voice, he was stuck.  I grabbed him and I got towed in.  We were trapped.  I was shaking with fear.  We tried to get out but we couldn't.  It was high tide.  We were soaking.  My Mum grabbed me but forgot my brother.  I grabbed my brothers hand and pulled him up while Mum held my waist.  I felt happy after I had rescued my brother.

By Symone


  1. hey SYMONE i liked how you used the word worried because it talks about how you feel.
    by rishabh

  2. hey symone. love the poam that you writed i liked it vety much.I think your poam shoud be in a book that has all the best poams in the world. Oh and one more thing i like your poam it amazed me thank you.
    from rishabh
